As owner of your cosmetics brand, you become the responsible person for your cosmetic products. That is whether you make them in your own lab, outcontract the production or buy them overseas.
It is important for you to realise that you have a number of rules and regulations to follow if you want to sell your cosmetics in Europe. (It's the law according to EU regulations n°1223/2009)
Here they are:
- have a safety evaluation (assessment) for each product performed by a safety expert (Cosmetic Product Safety Report)
- create a product information file (PIF) for each product
- create a label/packaging with all the legally required information
- notify each product on the European cosmetic portal (CPNP)
- stock and transport your products appropriately
- report any serious adverse effects due to your cosmetics to the appropriate authorities
- remove your products from the market if the need arises
The Cosmetic Product Safety Report MUST be performed by a safety assessment expert and will check the ingredients in your products
You may want to take care of the remainder of the the reponsabilites if you feel you are able to do so, or you want to outcontract these tasks.
If your budget is limited, it may be a good idea to do as much as you can yourself: for example designing the packaging, submitting the CPNP notification, and so on.
Did you know that this rule also applies to any recipes you may use during cosmetic workshops? Your recipes and the final product need to be safe for the end consumer.
Cosmetics are products that allow you:
- to clean the body
- to protect the body
- to take care and maintain the healthy status of the body
- remove unpleasant odors on the body
- to perfume the body
- change the body's appearance
Here are a few examples: face cream, lip balm, soap, toothpaste, makeup, nail polish, shampoo....
You will need to have the following documents before you can sell your product on the European market:
- Cosmetic Product Safety assessment report (CPSR)
- Product information file (PIF)
- CPNP product registration and number
I have been working in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry for over twenty years, with experience in the development and safety evaluation of products, ranging from vaccines, medication and cosmetics.
I am a member of the Belgian Society for Toxicology and Ecotoxicology and the European Society of Toxicology
I now specialise in helping out small cosmetic companies get their products on the European market.
Contact me so that I can do the safety evaluations of your products and be your cosmetic consultant.